
Archive for May, 2010

Thoughts from Sex And The City 2

May 31, 2010 2 comments

On Friday, I surprised the lady with tickets to a VIP viewing of Sex And the City 2 (SACT2) at the Theatres at Mall of America with the pre-party at Crave. It was an interesting atmosphere for be to be around, as it was lacking testosterone. Out of the estimated 150 people in attendance, there were three men, and I was likely the only straight male. I was very surprised at that ratio; I figured there would be a couple groups of single men who would think their odds were in their favor. I also thought there would be groups of gay men at the event, as they had good representation in the SATC series.

Despite numerous unfavorable reviews, I thought that SATC2 was entertaining. I’m not sure what the critics were expecting; they got what they knew they would get: more of the same: Samantha is still whoring it up; Carrie is still conflicted; Miranda was surprisingly entertaining, and Charlotte was even more conservative. Also, as expected, SATC2 provided more glam and extravagance.

The extravagance is what I had an issue with. Every time something ‘blingy’ was shown, all the women were ooh’ing and ahh’ing. I overheard comments of ‘I want that’, ‘I want to go there’, ‘why can’t I have that?’, ‘he’s yummy’, ‘I want some of that guy…’, among other statements.

Hearing comments such as those above can give a guy a complex, as most guys are unable to provide this for their significant others. Not one thing that garnered an ooh or ahh I can provide for my girlfriend, and that is a blow to the ego. I want to, but I cannot. It makes a guy wonder: ‘is what I have, what I give, enough?’ I like to think that I am good enough for my girlfriend; for the rest of the guys whose girlfriends were at SATC2, I doubt they are.

I think that’s why I dislike movies so much. The reality I live in is so far away from the world created in hollywood movies. I don’t like the escape it provides. It only creates an inferiority complex inside my mind. I have this thought, a belief that what I provide to friends, my girlfriend, or anyone else around me is not only enough, but more than enough. I am that everything for you. Movies show there is a whole different world out there that I do not have access too.

