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My 7,000th Tweet Can be Yours, If The Price Is Right!

Yes, the title does not lie.

Last week, in a moment of creativity, I decided that I would try and sell my 7,000th tweet.

What could this mean for the potential buyer?

  • You will reach my 1,600+ followers, with the overwhelming majority of them being in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area.
  • These followers include influencers in the marketing, advertising, professional sports, and television world.
  • Large amounts of awareness and potential conversation about your brand, message, and/or product.

The big question: how will we track success? This largely depends on your objective. For example: if your objective is awareness, we can measure tweets, re-tweets, and overall conversation.

This is something I will be willing to do every 500th tweet, which at the rate I tweet, will not take too long.

Right now, I have 6,970 tweets, which means you, Mr. Company, Mrs. Small Business, and Cousin Corporation, need to act quickly!

Please email me at jasonmichaeldouglas@gmail.com, connect with me on twitter: @jasondouglas, connect with me on Facebook: Jason Douglas on Facebook, on connect with me on LinkedIn: Jason Douglas on LinkedIn.

Remember, only 25 tweets separate you from some great, affordable exposure to my network.

I already have one offer for my 7,000th tweet, so hurry now!

Note: all messages will have to be approved before sending public.

Highest bidder wins!

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

~Jason Douglas

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